Independently owned, ASTROPOINT takes a great deal of pride in our reputation and in the level of personal service we provide. The most important goal for everyone in the company is to ensure that your needs are met.


We're lucky to have a position where we get to help people explore new personal options and possibilities. Astrology can help you identify and explore new experiences, which keeps us focused on your needs.


Natal, Progressed,Transit,  Horary, Electional and Health Charts are Available by Phone or in Person. 



Chief Executive Officer, Astropoint


Dr. Yaounde Olu is the author or editor of over 20 books and is also an astrological scientist with a level III certification with the National Council of Geocosmic Research. She is the producer/host of Astropoint , a cable television alternative science program. is also an award winning editorial cartoonist, visual artist, educator, composer, and musician. Among her notable works are  ASTROFACTS: A Quick Reference Guide to Astrology; QUADRASEX: A Uniphysical Analysis of Sexual Orientation; Uniphysical Chess; Ben Franklin’s Most Magical Magic Square: New Analysis; The Race Answer; The Law of Digit Balance; Uniphysics , the Science of Synthesis; Unimath: Hidden Supersymmetry in All Number Sequences; The Almanac of Unfavorable Timing, and Uniphysics : the Science of Synthesis.  Unimath is the mathematical tool used in Uniphysics , a form of chartless astrology pioneered by Dr. Olu. The Astrosynth Algorithm is a maneuver for Uniphysics  mitigation that uses philosophical machines to identify balance in all opposites and contraries. Dr. Olu holds a BS in Education from Chicago State University; an MA in Fine and Performing Arts from Governors State University, and a Ph.D. in Health Sciences/Holistic Medicine from the Union Institute. She also holds certificates in Manuscript Editing, Book Publishing, and Publication Design from the University of Chicago.